Non-dyslexic students present higher levels of academic confidence than their dyslexic peers.
Quasi-dyslexic students present higher levels of academic confidence than their dyslexic peers.
Students whose dyslexia is diagnosed as a disability present lower levels of academic confidence than those who are told of their dyslexia in other ways.
A large effect size g = +1.09 was indicated between the academic confidence of non-dyslexic students in the Base subgroup and dyslexic students in Control subgroup;
A moderate effect size g = +0.41 was indicated between the academic confidence of quasi-dyslexic students in the Test subgroup and dyslexic students in Control subgroup;
A moderate effect size g = -0.63 was indicated between the academic confidence of students whose dyslexia was diagnosed to them as a disability and those who were told of their dyslexia in other ways.
Originality | significance | rigour
... established previously un-researched relationships between dimensions of dyslexia and academic behavioural confidence at university ...
This study ...
... proposed and justified the premise that knowing about one's dyslexia negatively impacts on academic confidence at university ...
... devised an innovative, new process to evaluate 'dyslexia-ness' in university students using a Dyslexianess Continuum ...
... developed data-rich, multi-factorial profile visualizations of dyslexia-ness and academic confidence.
originality | Significance | rigour
... addressed original, ethically provocative research questions, designed to influence knowledge and scholarly thought, especially in learning differences contexts in HE;
This study ...
... showed strong academic and practitioner relevance, particularly for promoting a better understanding of the impacts of dyslexia on academic confidence in university study;
... is important for a wide range of target audiences and stakeholders including students, learning development practitioners, dyslexia advisors, and other education researchers.
originality | significance | Rigour
Evidence: the dual-focus, accurately referenced literature review of relevant theories and methodologies demonstrates integrity and intellectual coherence;
Evidence: an extensive review of ABC, and exhaustive development of Dx Index, demonstrates an appropriate and critically robust use of concepts and analyses;
Evidence: an innovative research design, clear data collection protocols, data visualizations and analysis demonstrate a clear focus on relating theory to communities of practice in HE.
À suivre ...
Further research to develop and validate the Dyslexia Index Profiler - eg: collect data more widely across the university sector;
Develop dyslexia-ness and academic confidence profile visualizations into a learning development tool for use in university contexts;
Further exploration of multiple regression analysis of the inter-relationship between dyslexia-ness and academic confidence.
- working titles to develop
Feature: Diagnosing dyslexia as a disability negatively impacts on academic confidence
Journal: Learning and Individual Differences
*IF: 1.809; SJR: 1129; H:66
Feature: Academic confidence and dyslexia at university: implications for learning development
Journal: Studies in Higher Education
*IF: 2.854; SJR: 1888; H:83
Feature: Evaluating dyslexia-ness at university: development of the Dyslexia Index Profiler
Journal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
*IF: 1.872; SJR: 851; H:76
*source: Scimago Journal & Country Rank
Learning reflection
- s: Over-accumulative; pernickety;
+s: Industrious; efficacious; discerning;
- s: Wayward; single-minded; overzealous;
+s: Innovative; imaginative; deliberative;
- s: Verbose; unfocused; lacking in synthesis;
+s: Incisive; deductive; connotative;